Creamy Salmon Fettuccine Pasta


The How To…

Baked Salmon Instructions

First, start by preheating the oven to 350 degrees, and start boiling a pot of water for the pasta. While both are heating up line either a sheet pan or baking pan with parchment paper, or tin foil. Season salmon fillet with seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and smoked paprika. Once the oven is done preheating, bake seasoned salmon for 15 - 20 minutes. Salmon can be cooked to medium temperature (125 degrees) which will be slightly pink in the middle or cooked to well done at (145 degrees) which is cooked completely through.


Fettuccini Pasta Cooking Instructions

Now that the salmon is in the oven, the water should be boiling at this point. Put in the pasta and cook for 8-10 minutes in salted water. Typically, an easy rule for salting your pasta water is 2 tablespoons per pound of pasta. However, you can put additional salt depending on your preferences. Once pasta is cooked, drain pasta into a strainer and cool by tossing the pasta in running cold water in the sink. Toss pasta lightly with olive oil, about 1/2 a tablespoon, to prevent sticking. Leave pasta in a strainer and set to the side.

The salmon should now be done cooking, if not almost done. Remove salmon from the oven and put to the side with the cooled pasta to rest.

Creamy Piccata Sauce

In the same pot that the pasta was cooked in using medium/high heat, heat olive oil. Once the oil is at a simmer, add in garlic, onion, and capers. Simmer until aromatic. This will be about 30 - 60 seconds. Lower heat and add parsley and lemon juice and simmer for about 30 seconds. Turn the burner down to the lowest setting, and add heavy cream. Slowly bring heavy cream to a low boil, string frequently to prevent the bottom from burning. Once simmering whisk in parmigiana, salt, and pepper. Raise burner temperature to medium heat and continue to whisk slowly until the sauce begins to bubble and thicken.

Fold in pasta until pasta is completely coated in the sauce. Break salmon into large pieces using eater your hands or tongs, they do not have to be perfect. Fold salmon pieces into pasta.

Salmon Piccata

Salmon Piccata

Yield: 5
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 30 MinTotal time: 40 Min


Baked SalmonPastaPastaPastaPastaPasta


  1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Fill a large pot with 4-6 quarts of water, and bring to a boil. 
  3. Line sheet pan, or shallow baking pan with parchment paper, or tin foil. Season salmon with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and smoked paprika.
  4. Bake salmon for 15 minutes, until light pink in the middle.
  5. Once water is boiling put in the pasta and cook for 8-10 minutes in salted water, or per instructions on the packaging. 
  6. Drain pasta into a strainer and cool by tossing the pasta in cold water. Toss lightly with olive oil, to prevent sticking, and let sit in a strainer.
  7. Remove salmon from the oven and put to the side with the cooled pasta.
  8. In the same pot that the pasta was cooked in using medium/high heat, heat olive oil. Once the oil is at a simmer, add in garlic, onion, and capers. Simmer until aromatic.
  9. Lower heat and add parsley and lemon juice and simmer for about 30 seconds.
  10. Add heavy cream. Slowly bring heavy cream to a low boil, string frequently to prevent the bottom from burning.
  11. Once simmering whisk in parmigiana, salt, and pepper. Continue to whisk slowly until the sauce begins to bubble and thicken.
  12. Fold in pasta
  13. Break salmon into large pieces and fold into pasta.