Sweet and Spicy Brussel Sprout Breakfast Hash


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For every recipe, I find that getting all the ingredients set up before you start cooking is extremely important to making cooking less stressful and chaotic.

Step One: Mise en Place | Everything in its Place

  • Wash and rinse all produce.

  • Set out

    • A knife and medium or large size cutting board,

    • 2 large bowls for diced potato and Brussel sprouts.

    • 3 medium-sized bowls for onion, bacon, and eggs.

    • 1 small bowl for measured out spices.

    • 1 dutch oven or oven-safe pan with a lid.

Step Two: Get to Choppin’

  • Brussel Sprouts - Leaving the root on, peel off any leaves that look brown. Leaving the root on while cutting will help keep the brussel sprout from falling apart as you slice. Then slowly slice thin strips working from tip to root. If you find that you are having trouble with the Brussel sprouts rolling around while cutting, slice it down the middle vertically to give a flat edge.

  • Sweet Potato - Personally, I prefer to leave the skin on my potatoes as most of the nutrients are kept in the skin of vegetables, and because it saves time. If that is not your thing, peel your sweet potatoes. Then cut potatoes into a medium dice, which is about the size of the tip of your index finger. Obviously, this will be different for everyone, but it is helpful for making sure your potatoes are around the same size.

  • Onion - Peel and dice the onion into a small dice, which is about half the size of the sweet potato pieces.

  • Bacon - Take about 1/4th a pound of thick-cut bacon and slice strips thin creating bacon bits.

  • Spices - Measure out into a bowl, 3 Tablespoons of coconut sugar (or brown sugar) 1/2 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper, 2 teaspoons of garlic powder, and 1/2 tbsp of salt (I, along with most chefs, use kosher).

  • Count out eggs and place them in a bowl so that they are ready and available when needed.

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Sweet & Spicy Brussel Sprout Breakfast Hash



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  1. Once all your ingredients are prepped, Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees.

  2. In the dutch oven/ oven-safe pan, heat oil over medium heat.

  3. Now that the pan is hot and oil is simmering, add bacon and cook over low/medium heat for about 5-10 minutes, stirring frequently. Make sure to use a medium/low flame and keep the bacon evenly coating the pan thought-out the cooking process. This is important for making sure you end up with evenly crispy bacon bits and not half burnt and half still raw.

    • While the bacon is cooking, set up a bowl or plate with a towel on top for the bacon bits to rest on when they are done cooking.

  4. Once the bacon is crispy, turn off the burner, and remove bacon bits from the pan with a slotted spoon, and place them on prepped bowl or plate.

  5. Discard extra oil and fat from the bacon, and leave just enough to have an even coating in the pan. Bring oil back to a simmer over medium/low heat.

  6. Now that the oil is hot, add in diced sweet potato and cook for about 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Once you notice the potato is beginning to soften, add onions and continue to saute for about 2 minutes.

  7. After the onions have cooked for about two minutes they will begin to become transparent, and aromatic. Add brussel sprouts and continue to cook for another 2 minutes.

  8. Once the brussel sprouts have begun to wilt, add the spice mixture. Waiting to add the mixture helps prevent the sugar from beginning to burn and become bitter. Continue to cook for about 2-3 more minutes stirring frequently.

  9. Once the sugar from the seasoning has begun to thicken, turn flames off from underneath the pan. Before cracking the eggs on top, it is important to evenly distribute the hash mixture throughout the pan. You can do this by slightly patting it down with a spatula so that it is evenly distributed and packed tightly together. This is to help prevent egg whites from sinking through the mixture and overcooking at the bottom of the pan. Crack 5-6 whole eggs on top. Season eggs with additional salt and pepper if preferred, and sliced green onion.

  10. Cover and place pan in the oven to cook for 2 minutes, then remove pan lid and cook for about 4-8 more minutes, or until eggs are cooked to your preference. 4 Minutes will leave the eggs with the yoke still completely runny; 8 minutes should have the eggs fully cooked throughout.

  11. Top with bacon bits, siracha mayo for some extra spice, or condiments of choice.

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Sweet and Spicy Brussel Sprout Breakfast Hash

Sweet and Spicy Brussel Sprout Breakfast Hash

Yield: 5-6
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 20 MinTotal time: 35 Min



  1. Preheat oven to 400.
  2. In a Dutch oven or oven-safe pan, heat Β½ tsp of oil over a medium flame.
  3. Once the pan is warm, add chopped bacon and cook over medium heat for about 5-10 minutes, or until bacon is crisp. (Make sure to use a medium/low flame and keep the bacon evenly coating the pan thought-out the cooking process. This is important for making sure you end up with evenly crispy bacon bits and not half burnt and half still raw.) 
  4. While bacon is cooking prep a bowl or plate with a paper towel to place cooked bacon on. Turn the burner off under the pan, and using a slotted spoon remove bacon from the pan and place it on the prepped plate until needed.
  5. Dispose of extra oil and fat,  leaving just enough to leave the pan evenly coated. Then bring oil back to a simmer if it has cooled, over medium/low heat.
  6. Add sweet potato and cook for about 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally. (Again it is important to keep the flame at a medium/low temperature and evenly distributed to make sure the potato center has begun to cook before the outside begins to burn.)
  7. One potato has begun to slightly soften but is not yet crispy, add diced onions. SautΓ© for about 2 minutes.
  8. Once onions have begun to simmer and become aromatic, add brussel sprouts and sautΓ© for about 1-2 minutes. Once the Brussel sprouts have begun to cook, add coconut sugar, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and salt and pepper.  And cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  9. Turn flames off from underneath the pan, and evenly distribute the hash mixture throughout the pan, slightly patting it down to help prevent egg whites from sinking through the mixture and overcooking at the bottom of the pan. Crack 5-6 whole eggs on top. Season eggs with additional salt and pepper if preferred, and sliced green onion.
  10. Cover and place pan in the oven to cook for 2 minutes, then remove pan lid and cook for about 4-8 more minutes, or until eggs are cooked to your preference. 4 Minutes will leave the eggs with the yoke still completely runny; 8 minutes should have the eggs fully cooked throughout.
  11. Top with bacon bits, siracha mayo for some extra spice, or condiments of choice.
Created using The Recipes Generator